

Anti-Trafficking International


In 2013 our founder, Detective Bill Woolf, had just recovered a seventeen-year-old victim of human trafficking. For three years, Emily was subjected to countless sexual assaults arranged by her trafficker, the man whom she believed to be her boyfriend. With an intact and loving family, Emily did not fit the typical picture many people associate with trafficking – a child abandoned, homeless, desperate. Yet her grades slipped, her behavior changed, and eventually counselors, school officials, and even the courts got involved. Despite it all, Emily did not get the help she needed and the abuse continued. When Bill asked where the system failed, she simply said, “No one ever asked.”

These words are what propelled Bill to form the precursor to Anti-Trafficking International (ATI). Aptly named the Just Ask Prevention Project, Bill brought law enforcement, schools, and other partners together to train professionals on identifying trafficking victims and develop our Just Ask Prevention Curriculum for students. Communities in the U.S. and abroad craved more. What began as an awareness campaign has grown into a flourishing 501(c)(3) global foundation now known as ATI. Today, we partner with students, parents, and professionals like you to empower everyone to abolish human trafficking right from where they are. A community trained in education, prevention, and intervention will no longer let children like Emily be coerced and trapped for years in a situation like hers. Instead, out children will be surrounded by support systems at every level to stop human trafficking before it starts.

Read the Full Story


  • ATI…has been a tremendous opportunity in allowing me to work with others for a great cause! While learning about human trafficking prevention, I have come across so many friendly connections and valuable resources on safety. You can learn a plethora of skills for your future, such as time management and graphic design, while working on important projects. I definitely recommend volunteering here to not only benefit yourself, but so many around you!

    Victoria Bergman

  • ATI opened my eyes to a problem that has been going on in my hotels for a long time. I pledge to make all of my hotels ATI Safe Zones in hopes that not one more victim will have to suffer in our hotels.


  • ATI didn’t just give us posters and materials, they gave us invaluable information that transformed the way students thought of human trafficking. I’ve had people come up to me after seeing the posters and ask “so what is human trafficking?”…they took the time to ask those questions due to the amazing materials this organization has provided…a few extremely informed people can create a wave of enlightened and educated students that can gradually transform this issue.


  • A student that was walking home got approached by a man that offered her money if she came with him. Using the tools that she learned from ATI, she knew there were red flags and ran home to let an adult know. This is just one example of how the ATI organization has helped students be more aware of their surroundings…Students are more aware of signs and understanding the importance of what human trafficking is.

    Jessica Ittaye

  • My daughter went to her counselor in school and reported that she was being trafficked over 20 times! Each and every time she was told that they didn’t believe her – that she was just making it up!

    Mother of 15-year-old victim of trafficking

  • The Just Ask prevention curriculum didn’t just make me aware of human trafficking, their efforts literally saved my life! I was being groomed into trafficking when I heard their message, and it is what made me get help! They saved me from BECOMING A VICTIM!

    17-year-old high school senior

  • Not my family, it would never happen to my little girl, right? That’s what I thought until the cops knocked on my door…



    July 2019 – Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) passed a resolution recognizing Just Ask Prevention (now ATI) as one of only 3 global leaders in the development of human trafficking prevention curriculum.

    January 2020 – Rep. Chris Smith, the author of the landmark legislation protecting trafficking victims and recognizing human trafficking as a crime (Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000), mentioned Just Ask (now ATI) as one of the primary organizations providing prevention curriculum on the frontline of the fight against human trafficking (watch from minute 10:15 – 10:22). https://youtu.be/bv5sa8OdSlc

    2019 – Non-Profit of the Year by Rotary International

    2019 – Just Ask Prevention (now ATI) was asked to provide testimony to the House Rules Committee by Chairman McGovern: Solving an Epidemic: Addressing human trafficking around major events like the Super Bowl and the need for cross-jurisdictional solutions (House of Representatives Committee on Rules)

    January 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 – In honor of Human Trafficking Awareness Month, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors passed a proclamation recognizing “the continued leadership of Just Ask Prevention Project [now ATI] to increase awareness of human trafficking and equip individuals to resist and prevent it, making Fairfax County inhospitable to traffickers.”

    January 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, and 2020 – In honor of Human Trafficking Awareness Month, the Fairfax County School Board passed a proclamation recognizing that “the Just Ask Prevention Project [now ATI] is the ‘Gold Standard’ in prevention curriculum and their program has saved countless lives.”